Please understand, this is not meant to tear anyone down and I'm not trying to pass judgement on anyone. It is simply
about being open and honest and getting people to use their brain. I am writing this in hope that it will open the eyes
of some and at least make others think. My inspiration for this has come from a lifetime of watching friends and
family, as well as others make life far harder than it EVER needed to be. This includes myself:) I believe that
there are a few simple rules that if people lived by, this world be a MUCH better place. Here they are.
Be honest with yourself and others.
2) Just be nice.
3) Don't be afraid to love or to be loved.
Treat others as you would have them treat you.
5) Don't be afraid of success... no matter what kind!
Remember, God is in control, not you. and that is a good thing.
A very
good thing:)
I sincerely hope that you enjoy the ride!